My Car Lady

AUto Bailout to Bankruptcy; Where's the money?

Bailout to Bankruptcy; SHOW ME THE MONEY? [caption id="attachment_405" align="alignright" width="420" caption="Challenger challenge; GM or Chrysler?"]Challenger challenge; GM or Chrysler?[/caption] Isn’t nice to know the $30+ billion we gave the automakers to keep them afloat isn’t?How is it possible our government officials missed the glaring truth that everyone on Main Street USA saw as “the handwriting on the wall?” GM and Chrysler are failing. Their cars aren’t selling and the factory workers are being idled at a 0-60 in 7 sec. rate. The fact is GM and Chrysler should have consolidated their efforts back when bailout had to do with getting out of jail, not saving jobs. It would have been cheaper for the taxpayer to suck up the 20% unemployment cost and retrain the capable for positions in the new globally-green economy, than watch the billions go up the tailpipe. These are the same guys President Obama wants to sit point on the CAR CZAR BOARD? Yeah right. The same guys that missed every check engine and brake light on Auto Mall lane, as Nardelli and his gang robbed the coach and rode home laughing. Now the Big 3 want more cash or they swear their going BK. Let them, and while they’re stamping around in a blustering huff, cuff them and get their ASSets as repayment on the loans.

I don’t know about you but I’m mad as hell. What about ME?

What about all the American’s that aren’t in foreclosure, are working twice as hard at jobs paying 1/3rd less and saved their pennies only to see a life’s worth of conservative investments disappear before their eyes? Who’s “bailing them out?” Is the government protecting their jobs? Where is the accountability for everyone we’re bailing out? Our own congress can’t seem to get a P & L and Expense account voucher from the banks that swallowed the $350Billion the taxpayers handed out in December. Is there something WRONG with this picture or is it me?      What recourse does the scr**ed taxpayer have for the money “loaned” to Chrysler, GM, Banks X, Y & Z and every mortgage holder trying to qualify for a “mortgage loan modification?” Someone tell me where I’m going to get paid back for all this bailout cash we’re forking over, and what the repayment plan looks like with interest. If I wanted to be in the finance business, I’d own a bank… now it looks like I do. —————————————————————————————-Sarah Lee writes on all things car related. As a 20+ yr. veteran of the automotive industry she laments the current sate of affairs for the automakers, car consumer and working stiff just trying to get by. If you want a great deal on your next car, have credit issues you need to fix and need a car loan, go to]]>
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