My Car Lady

Car Buying Tips and Tricks for Women: Dress for Success

Used Audi for sale

Dress for Success for Women includes the CAR you DRIVE.

Tips and Tricks for Women Car Buyers: Remember when women wearing pants in the office was a big deal?  Well, fashion forward to the car you drive makes a huge impact on the professional business community you are doing business with. As much as “the look” you present; shoes, handbag, jewelry and more… the men (and women) you are pitching take in the car you are driving as a value statement. This year in China, more women purchased Ferrari’s than men? A statement? Absolutuely. Your car sends the message: YOU are a successful business woman. The particular brand identifies you as a smart, savvy car shopper who knows what she wants. The car driven is an extension of YOU; for all the right reasons, and those you address… when the client, co-worker, boss, asks if you like you car.

BUYING: New vs. Used Luxury cars.

The car brand is directly linked with status, power, prestige and success, so when you can’t afford a new one, consider leasing or buying pre-owned, or even leasing a pre-owned model if the financials work in your favor.
  1. Consider a BMW, Jaguar, Mercedes Benz, Lexus or Acura right now, as these fierce competitors are vying for the number one spot in Luxury Car Sales.  Want to show your UNIQUE, I don’t follow the pack, I lead it… go Jaguar. The deals you see advertised are the deal, so don’t expect to get anything more off the price.
  2. Be aware: most dealers will have a VERY limited supply of the ad car.
  3. Use this calculation: +$15.00-20.00 per month for every $1000.00 in added features or upgrades. Be prepared to switch, the ad car is always a base model. 
  4. 10,000 miles per year is the advertised lease. If you need more miles per year, you can add another $20.00-$25.00 per month for every step up: 12,000 and 15,000 miles per year.
  5. If you drive more than 15,000 miles per year, go for the low interest rate purchase/auto loan program. Rates as low as 1.9% are being offered this year.
  6. GAP PROTECTION (insurance)  is NOT your regular car insurance. This policy protects you from having to pay-off the entire car and remaining lease payments or any portion of the remaining lease balance the car insurance didn’t cover. It is imperative to have GAP protection on all AUTO LOANS or LEASES where you are putting down a small amount of money, or adding negative equity into the the payment. GAP is usually included in most lease contracts from the auto manufacturer and some banks. ASK who the leasing company is through BEFORE signing.  If the dealer suggests GAP is not included, the additional cost is usually $500.00, but before you pay,  ask to see the actual contract. Look for the words GAP or VEHICLE REPLACEMENT COVERAGE. 
  7. USED LUXURY brands also offer leases, which lower the payment yet again, and conserve your cash.  They are usually only offered on CERTIFIED cars sold by the brand dealer. 
Continue reading my MYCARLADY tips and Tricks for Women buying cars here:  TRADE-INS. If you have any questions concerning your car buying search, need help or free advice, contact me at,, or use the form below.
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