My Car Lady

GM, Chrysler Bankruptcy means higher prices.

sebringconvHALF-OFF, Forced Liquidation, FIRE-SALE PRICES have been shouted from the airwaves like Bob Barker’s famous “Come on DOWN!”  DON’T run so fast! Chrysler experienced above average sales in MAY 2009, in part, from consumers looking to “steal a car”. TRUTH IS… many consumers paid more in May for a Jeep Wrangler, Dodge Challenger or Chrysler Sebring Convertible than they might have back in January when lots were stuffed to overflowing and incentives were fat.

The recently released 2010 Chevy Camaro is selling fast and furious, with dealers hopeful the lure will still be there when GM’s reorganization is over in a few months.  With an eye on Chrysler, many dealerships loaded up on key product, anticipating the factory shut-down coinciding with 2010 factory retro-fit and June 1st BK announcement.  

“HOT MODELS are at a premium, with inventory low and summer selling season feeding off false expectations from dealer closings.  Dealers are trying to milk every dime they can from the retail base, rather than hand the inventory back to Chrysler/GM and walk away. Some dealers have expressed concern about being paid for their stock and incentives, while others point to costly upgrades for window tint, rims and dvd players installed after delivery, which will be lost in the redistribution of inventory nationwide.  Some dealers have new 2008’s on their lot, which Chrysler and GM will not repurchase. Local auctions have seen some new 2009’s go through at true discount dollars, but consumers will not see the drastic price-cuts perpetuated by the media.  ‘We won’t entertain below market bids,” John N. (LV Chrysler/Jeep/Dodge) proclaims, noting his Jeep Wrangler supply is down from ninety days to just three left. Soon to be discontinued; PT Cruisers and Aspens have good incentives and low interest rate financing, which is drawing loyal followers to snap them up as possible collectibles.  “In the vein of the Chrysler-branded TC made by Maserati, I don’t see these as future car antiques,” John commented, “more like odd-balls from yesteryear, if you live long enough.” Regardless of your reasoning, finding a deal on a desirable Chrysler/GM model is probably past unless you are very flexible on color and features. Better to wait for the 2010’s and see how much love Chrysler and GM show you to bring you back to their showrooms. First 2010’s off the block should be Jeep Wrangler’s, slated to start production immediately following exit from bankruptcy. ——————————————————————————————– Sarah Lee is a 20+yr. auto industry veteran helping consumers get the best deals without the hassle of haggling a car deal. need car buying advice? ASKMYCARLADY: ]]>
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