My Car Lady

NATURAL GAS HONDA Civic GX finally available across the USA

phillJune 13, 2008- Las vegas, NV-  The 2009 Honda Civic GX is the next generation alternative fuel, ULTRAlow emissions artillery to combat the war on our of control gas prices and loch-ness footprints. Initially released in 2005 to California, and specifically targeted national fleets, the GX is now rolling out nationwide as a 2009 fall release.  The GX will sticker for around 25k, and the home-based refilling unit called; PHILL, will set you back another 5000.00 when you cover the installation. HOWEVER, with the tax credits from state, and fedral authorities, you can cover most of the 5k. The cost of Natural Gas from your home spout (pressurized to 3600psi) works out to be less than a 1.25 a gallon, as long as NG stays cheap. Even then, the CIVIC GX gets a respectable 32 and 37 MPG, so the effective cost per gallon is really pretty low. According to Honda:”The GX has everything you’d expect from a Civic, like the highest safety rating, proven performance and Honda durability.But this is the GX, which means it’s powered by natural gas and has been named the cleanest internal-combustion vehicle on Earth by the EPA.” The drawbacks are: the range is 200 miles. It’s strictly a short-hop, commuter car, cause when you “run out of gas”… you are in tow home mode.  The trunk is small, half the size of a hybrid Civic. Limited public fueling spots make a home unit an absolute necessity. Those who have driven it (I haven’t yet) say it is no rice-rocket, but the high you get from your wallet, and driving in the HOV lane (in some states) is worth the lack luster 0-60. I’ll keep you posted on where and when you can get one at a reasonable price. There are  ]]>

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