The Nevada DMV is still at 90 DAY appointment Pandemic-level waits.

Drive by the DMV any morning at 7am and you will see a line of people wrapped around the building. No, these are no appointment holders. These are folks in the “HOPE” line, HOPING to get a walk-in, stand-by seat inside.  ( HINT: If you aren’t in line by 5 am, you are probably not going to get in and done quickly).  Once inside, those in line will wait for an opening, made available by an actual appointment holder NO SHOWING.

MAKE AN APPOINTMENT: for 90 days from now.

If you troll the DMV website daily, at 3am, you may catch a cancellation for that day. BE careful YOU ARE SELCTING THE CORRECT LOCATION. many have arrived to realize their appointment was for Reno or Laughlin, where only local residents may use those buildings.

(I know you are thinking, but these are STATE facilities! Yup, but check the website. Those are THEIR RULES, clearly posted on the APPT and home page.)


DMV STAND-BY waits can be 8 hours long.

Add to this stress the fact that people bring their dogs, wailing kids and numerous family members to save their seat while they stretch, take a bathroom or smoke break.

Nevada DMV’s are still hosting weekly PANDEMIC health checks for state employees refusing to get vaccinated. The parking lots are full, and so is the building.

Henderson and Las Vegas area DMV’s have been known to refuse entry to ANYONE without an appointment, on a daily basis. This is due to staff shortages, building capacity limits and time limitations.