My Car Lady

Women Speak out about Porsche-driving men

The recent male-bashing article to have gone viral portrays men who drive Porsche’ and other expensive cars to be peacock-primping show-offs unfit for marriage. I find this article pigeon-holing these cars as a condemnation of all men who enjoy driving expensive vehicles  as potential indicator of failing on the long-term relationship meter, ridiculous. [caption id="attachment_3916" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Porsche 911 CS4 very rare car."][/caption] And so I ask the obvious question, and what about women who love unique, exotic and luxury rides? Are they all cougars? It’s now time to speak-out on behalf of women everywhere who drive these same vehicles and prefer men of the like, of any age. I know plenty of professional, wealthy and adrenaline-driven women who own Porsche, Jaguar, BMW, Mercedes and Bentley roadsters,  and you would never equate these ladies with one-night standers or unsuitable for motherhood. Successful ? Yes!  Financially secure, obviously. The beauty of owning these fine cars is not about attracting the opposite sex, it’s about driving a high quality brand of automobile that speaks to the art of the automobile as a study in engineering, status and uniqueness. My friends driving these cars often equate the purchase of a luxury car to that of a Prada purse or Burberry heels. In fact, many will opt-out on the fickleness of fashion trends for the classic in their clothing and cars: Porsche or Jaguar. The attraction to luxury cars by either sex is more about the level of taste, thrill of the acquisition and status, and none of these factors are considered a “waste of money” as alluded to in the aforementioned article.  My clients often know the detail minutia about the vehicle they are buying, it’s heritage, provenance, quality, and resale value, striking me as key components to a thoughtful, considerate and well-organized individual anyone would want for a mate. The ability to own expensive things is a plus. If you are into cars, you’re into cars, male or female, married or not. For more information on this car or any luxury new or pre-owned car please feel free to send me your info and request below. ]]>

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